Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Found out today my professor doesn't like scribbles as much as I do -- I'll have to take a mental note on that one for next time. On a similar note, the whole class gets to re-do the 3d modeling assignment we had a few days ago, so you could say I'm really 'excited' to try that all over again...Oh well, just another step towards success i suppose!

Tomorrow I travel to Pella, Iowa to present my ADA solutions for the Scholte House (one of their historical landmarks) to their Board of Directors. I think it will go great, I'm pretty confident in my ideas and what I have to present, just have to refine and make more concise what I'm talking about in my power point tonight. Should be another classic night of 'workin overtime' in the studio...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sending you that mama confidence - you'll be great. Don't forget to send me the powerpoint.
